Personal Information
Identification details
Please provide one form of identification. Either your Passport, NZ Drivers License, Firearm License or HANZ 18+ Card
COA (Certificate of Approval) details
If yes, please supply the additional info. If no, leave this blank and move on to the next question
Disqualification criteria
(skip this section if you have a current COA)
You may not be eligible to hold a certificate of approval if disqualification criteria apply to you.
Section 62 of the Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010 lists certain grounds that may disqualify you from being granted a certificate of approval. If you meet any of the grounds of disqualification listed below, you will be able to make a statement about your character, circumstances or background.
The Licensing Authority may still grant your application, but only if the Authority is satisfied that you are suitable to work in the class or classes of work to which the application relates. Please note that no refund is payable if your application is unsuccessful.
You can find more information at
Please answer each individual question below. (Please tick to confirm)
Do you have any health issues, physically or mentally that might prevent you from from performong the duties of the position you are applying for.
Previous Security Experience
Do you have any previous security experience?
Employment History
Please provide details of your current or previous two employers
By sending this form I consent to Northern Districts Security to check using the information contained in my application. I certify that the above particulars are true and correct.