Northern Districts Security: Security Saver Special

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The presence of a security team, whether at an event or your place of business, can prove to be a significant advantage in preventing threats and misbehavior.

Of course, being in public always poses a security challenge. If you’re concerned about your safety or your business, Northern Districts Security can keep you safe.  We are the best private security firm in Northland covering the areas of Whangarei, Far North, and Kaipara.

We have well-trained security professionals that can respond immediately on site. Northern Districts Security personnel are ready and alert for any threat at hand. We will respond appropriately and effectively to control the situation. We guarantee your personal safety, the well-being of your staff and the attending public, so you’re free to focus on what matters most.

It’s worth noting that you can save BIG with our Security saver special offer of $120 + GST per month, and we guarantee your safety in the Central Business District with your very own low-key security detail.

Our offer includes the following:

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We'll do three shop visits and in-store security checks.

We’ll make our presence known in the shop and ward off any potential threats.

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Going to the bank? We'll be your transaction escort.

Whether you’re doing a cash, document or valuables drop-off. We’ll keep you safe so you can go about your business without any worries.

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On-call assist within the hours of 0900 – 1630

We’ll cover your work and daytime activities and for a minimal fee, and we’ll even escort you or any of your employees to their car. After all, we want you to get home safely.

Anything amiss? Let NDS take care of it!

We are Northland's Premier Security Services.

We take Security Seriously. Reach out to us today!